Height parent, Lakeisha Green, eagerly made the decision to serve as a CCS board member. Although her work with the Department of Health keeps her busy, the mother of two describes herself as a “school mom,” saying “I was already always at the school and involved.” 

Green is referring to her time spent at Height, where her son, Tyrell, attended until his promotion to high school, and where she actively participates. While at Height, Tyrell excelled in Honors courses, experiencing his first taste of high school academics while in the 8th grade. Always a bright student, Tyrell delivered the 8th-grade commencement speech before his fellow classmates, faculty, and a very proud mama. 

Tyrell is now a 10th grader at Edna Karr High School, and Green acknowledges Height for its role in preparing her son for the experience.  

“Tyrell is a great student and now that he’s in high school, he is still going strong. He’s still an A-student,” Green said. “Height prepared him for the next step, and he adapted really well to high school.” 

It wasn’t only the school’s family-like atmosphere that encouraged Tyrell. Green herself understood the importance of connecting with Height staff and other key decision-makers for the betterment of her son’s education and the education of the kids in her community. 

As a board member, Green participates in the External Relations Committee and the Academic Excellence Committee. The External Relations Committee helps develop external partnerships and opportunities for the schools, while the Academic Excellence Committee, the purpose is to support the development of annual, as well as long-term, academic goals and to monitor progress towards those goals.

“It’s not just about my child getting what he needs academically, it’s also about other children in the community, too. I grew up with the parents of many of the students at Height,” Green added. “I really want to give back and have an active role in doing something positive for the kids.”

Because her son is now enrolled in high school, Green’s term as the official parent representative on the board will come to an end in June 2021. However, Green will remain an active, general board member going forward. 

Green recommends that parents who are interested in joining the CCS board as a parent representative keep an open mind and educate themselves about the role. 

According to Green, “once you gain a better understanding, you’ll feel more comfortable speaking up and advocating. If you also want to have a positive impact on children in your community, this is a great opportunity to consider.”  

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a parent representative on the CCS board, contact us at inspire@crescentcityschools.org today!