Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Grades 6-8
Joined the Team in 2016

Mariyam Salley is the 6-8 Director of Curriculum and Instruction at Dorothy Height Charter School. In this role, she oversees the logistics, curriculum, instruction, and culture of her team. She also works closely with the principal and assistant principal to reinforce school wide culture and academic expectations, and to align her team to the overall vision and mission of Height. She manages and collaborates with Instructional Deans to effectively coach and lead her team. 

Mariyam began her teaching career at Height as the 8th Grade Science Teacher and Math Resource Teacher in 2016. She transitioned to 8th Grade Math in 2018. Between 2016 and 2020, Mariyam has served as 6-8 Team Lead, Math Curriculum Manager and 6-8 Math Instructional Dean. During the 2018-19 school year, Mariyam’s 8th graders were ranked #7 in the district for LEAP percent basic or above. This ranking was above both the state and Orleans parish averages and most open enrollment schools in the city.

Mariyam is a native of Harlem, NY. She earned her Bachelor of Arts from the University of North Carolina at Chapel in 2011, studying International Studies and Political Science, specifically focusing on the African diaspora. 


Mariyam is a firm believer in providing rigorous instruction for ALL scholars. She is passionate about finding ways to differentiate instruction and increase student intrinsic motivation.